All Packages listed only apply to small and medium sized Non-profit Organizations
Small business non-profits usually have a minimum of 2-4 servers. Medium size businesses usually have a minimum of 4-8 servers. Most sites PC assets are 1-50 users. Our Group can manage organizations with a user base up to 500 users.
The Basic package will consist of managing 2 servers only. We will provide basic alerts and a Service Level Agreement of 24 hour response time.Does not include repair cost or troubleshooting cost.
The Standard package is the most popular choice of packages we offer. This is because it consists of monitoring 4 Servers and we automatically allow for 1 Workstation to be monitored at no extra charge. We will back up the data of all 4 Servers up to 30gb total. Good package for sites with some IT support. We will provide standard alerts and a Service Level Agreement of 1-8 hour response time.Does not include repair cost or troubleshooting cost.
The Premium packages consists of monitoring 8 servers, & 2 PC’s. We will backup servers data and OS up to 50gb total. We will also provide standard alerts and a Service Level Agreement of 1-8 hour response time.Does not include repair cost or troubleshooting cost.